Baltic Children Foundation (Baltijas Zviedrijas bērnu fonds)
From the very beginning of the law firm we support Baltic Children Foundation (Baltiska Barnstiftelsen) from Sweden, which organizes and finances various charity projects in Latvia. The Foundation organizes summer camps in the Sweden and Latvia for children with disabilities from Latvia. The Foundation’s work has also evolved to support dövskolorna of Riga and Valmiera. At these schools, the Foundation has funded a computer to students shall receive European computer driving license. The Foundation has since 2006 financed the development of dictionaries in Latvian in sign language. The purpose of investment in both computer training as a sign language dictionaries is to help students at dövskolorna to get a job or move on to higher education.

XI Latvian School Youth Song and Dance Festival (XI Latvijas skolu jaunatnes dziesmu un deju svētki)
Latvian School Youth Song and Dance Festival is the largest, most important and oldest festival for the school youth in Latvia. Children – this is our future, therefore we are proud for having possibility to provide legal support in organization of this festival.

17th Baltic Student Song and Dance Festival “GAUDEAMUS” (XVII Baltijas valstu dziesmu un deju svētki GAUDEAMUS)
GAUDEAMUS is the largest Baltic Student Song and Dance Festival. The 17th festival took place on June 27-29 in Daugavpils, Latvia. The scope of the festival was impressive – the number of active participants (i. e. singers, dancers, and musicians) coming from various student folklore groups was around 5000. We also provided our assistance to ensure that the festival is successful.

XXV Nationwide Latvian Song and XV Dance Celebration (XXV Vispārējie latviešu Dziesmu un XV Deju svētki)
The Nationwide Latvian Song and Dance Celebration (Vispārējie latviešu Dziesmu un Deju svētki) is one of the largest amateur choral events in the world and an important event in Latvian culture and social life. It is also a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. It has been held since 1873, normally every five years. During the festivals exhibitions of photography, art and folk craft, orchestra concerts, and a festive parade also take place. Events and competitions leading up to the event occur throughout the period between festivals. We are very proud having privilege to provide legal support for this fenomena.

Indie pop band Instrumenti
Instrumenti, a two piece electro indie pop band, has proven to be amongst the best Baltic live acts of the decade. Formed in 2009 by two academically educated musicians. Shipsi (vocals/keyboards) has one of the most impressive falsettos today’s music has to offer while Reynsi (drums/ keyboards/vocals) has a genuine talent of creating incredibly rich and warm sound backed up with beautiful harmonies. Instrumenti sound has been described as a mix of Muse, Sigur Rós and Michael Jackson. We understand the importance of such music and therefore provide pro bono consultations to the management of the band.

Salvation Army
For many years we support the Salvation Army in its social activities. The Salvation Army Social Centre provides help to everyone who is in some difficult situation in life: for large families, people with disabilities, those who have low-income grant status, pensioners and unemployed people. The Centre gives out over 10 000 portions of warm food to hundreds of poor and desperate people, also it is giving out clothes and shoes, and offers opportunity to do laundry and take a shower. Employees of the centre reach out to regular home visits in the region of Riga and provide practical assistance to those who cannot manage themselves, like helping to form necessary documents, as well as providing spiritual support.

Organization Wings of hope (Cerību spārni)
We have supported the organization „Cerību spārni”/”Wings of hope” since 2011 providing pro bono legal consultations and assisting in making contacts with enterpreneurs.
The social organization „Cerību spārni”/”Wings of hope” is non-governmental organization which unites Sigulda region and closest surroundings children in need, their family members and others supporters. Society „Cerību spārni”/”Wings of hope” regulary implement socialy important projects, which are focused on people with disabilities and their families needs ensuring in education, social integration, employment, cooperation and capacity strengthening areas.

Quo tu domā
SE Riga Debate Society and QUO tu domā? organized the fourth Debate Academy from June 12 to June 14, 2015. Our law firm provided support for organization of this Debate Academy.
The event gathered successful debaters and adjudicators from all around Europe, who gave valuable workshops for participants with different levels of debating experience. The event ended with a tournament, putting the new knowledge in practice.